Monday, 26 May 2014

Release Blitz, Review & Giveaway: Lili Saint Germain's " Four Score (Gypsy Brothers # 4)."

Release Blitz, Review & Giveaway: Lili Saint Germain's " Four Score (Gypsy Brothers # 4)."
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Love and hate aren’t all that different.

Two sides of the same coin, the yin and the yang.

Once upon a time, Jason Ross loved me. And now that he knows what I’ve done, I see the love and the hate warring within him.

I see the way he looks at me.

The way he wonders how I could do the things I’ve done.

I hear it in the way he begs me to stop, to leave this life and run away with him.

But there’s only one way I’m leaving LA.

And that’ll be when Dornan and the rest of his sons are dead and buried.

Jase might forgive me for what I’ve done.

But will he forgive me for the crimes I’m yet to commit?

Review: Surj 

My heart feels like it's gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson... it's battered and bruised and it hurts like hell. I knew this book was going to be an emotional one especially with the how  "Five Miles" ended but  nothing could have prepared me for the story that lay ahead. "Four Score" was very different to the first three books in the Gypsy Brothers series. It wasn't about revenge. It wasn't about Dornan or his sons. It didn't even feature the MC particularly. No. This book was about Juliette and Jase reconnecting . It was about pick up the pieces of their shattered lives, trying to make sense of the last six years and trying to come to terms with what lay ahead for each of them. 

"Jase," I say plainly. "Why didn't you leave?"
"Nobody saved me," he says bitterly. 

It was heart breaking, devastating, soul destroying even but through all of the ugliness, I saw something beautiful, something that gave me a tiny glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, everything might work out.... who was I kidding... there were still sons to be killed and as for Dornan... that man was like a cat with nine f*cking lives.... he just wouldn't stay dead!!!! 

The one thing that remained a constant in each and every book I've read in this series was Juliette's determination to exact revenge on the men who killed her family and who put her through hell. That never changed in "Four Score." What did change however was her character. Gone was the kick ass, head strong heroine and in her place, I found a vulnerable woman whose control had been shattered. A woman who was scared,  a woman who feared, a woman who was starting to get careless. 

... it feels like I'm drowning. The strong girl, the fighter, she's gone. 
And in her space is this meek, terrified child whose fate rests
 in the hands of the boy she used to love. The boy she still loves. 

Jase held Juliette's future in his hands but whose side would he take? Was he a Gypsy brother through and through? Was blood thicker than water? God my insides were coiled so tight, the nervous anticipation almost killing me. I wanted him to choose her... to choose love but so much had gone on... and then there was Dornan.... 

"I'm thinking about you and my father. 
I'm thinking about all those times you were.... ..with him,
and it makes me want to kill you both."

I had so many questions when it came to Jase... questions both Elliott and Juliette bought up... did I get the answers I needed? Yes to some, no to others but I have a feeling they'll come because I need them to complete the picture. 

My heart well and truly went out to Elliott in this book. I felt so gutted for him because despite how he felt for Juliette, despite everything he'd sacrificed, she would never be his. There was a part of me that was rooting for him... I'm not even sure in which context because I wanted Juliette with Jase but there was a part of me willing for him to get his own HEA. I really hope Lili gives him his own book because that man deserves the mother of all love stories. 

Every day for six years, I used to pray that I would find my way back to the boy I loved. 
Until finally, one day, I did. But that's the funny thing about life. 
Nothing good ever lasts. Not for me anyway. 

I (for one) am thrilled to bits about the direction "Four Score" took. Sure it was a risk going down this avenue but it absolutely paid off. It had to happen at some point and I think the timing was perfect. As for the ending... OMFG!!!  it was inevitable .. I knew it was coming at some point but now???? WTF!!  And so the wait begins to get my next fix... do I mind? No because the wait will definitely be worth it.. of that I can be certain. I rated "Four Score" 5 Hearts. 
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Author Bio:

Lili writes dark erotica and NA. Her debut serial novel, Seven Sons, is was released in early 2014, with the following books in the series to released in quick succession. Lili quit corporate life to focus on writing and so far is loving every minute of it. Her other loves in life include her gorgeous husband, good coffee, hanging at the beach and running. She loves to read almost as much as she loves to write.

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