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Interview: S.C Stephens (Author of Thoughtless, Effortless and Reckless).
As part of our "Bad Boys of Rock Month" at The Hopeless Romantics Book Blog, we were lucky enough to get an interview with S.C Stephens (the author who gave us one of our favourite rockstars: Mr Kellan Kyle.) The thought of that man still gets our heart racing!!!!
So here goes. We hope you enjoy the interview as much as we enjoyed asking the questions.
Thank you so much for taking the time out to answer our questions during our “Bad Boys of Rock” month on The Hopeless Romantics Book Blog. We really appreciate it. And we just couldn’t have this theme running without including the one and only Rock God himself Mr Kellan Kyle, the man that stole a million hearts (and we mean that quite literally.. lol).
Did you ever imagine the craziness that would follow not only the series but the main man himself?
No, not at all! I really didn’t think anyone would read it. And I definitely never expected the reaction to Kellan. I mean, I love him, but it was surreal to have others love him so much too.
When did you realise Thoughtless (and subsequently the rest of the series) was going to be a huge success?
When Thoughtless won its first SKOW award (Some Kind of Wonderful), that’s when I first started to think it was doing well. Then I officially published it, and was in complete disbelief by the response. How did you celebrate? It mainly involved crying, lol.
Where did the inspiration come from when writing the series?
Listening to music and daydreaming about Kellan. Sigh.
Was the series always going to be a trilogy?
No, it originally was just going to be a standalone book, but then the fans asked for more and I started wondering what happened next...
What was the hardest part of the trilogy to write and why?
Probably the last one since there was so much expectation for it. And I knew it would be different from the first two, since the characters had evolved so much from the first book.
Did you struggle with any parts of the story? And how did you get it back on the course you wanted it to go?
There were several points in the stories where it wasn’t working for me and I completely changed it. It’s frustrating and usually puts me in a really bad mood when it happens (which, unfortunately, my family has to put up with), but once it’s back on track, everything is right as rain again.
Kellan Kyle stole the hearts of millions, and if he was real, I’d say he’d have women throwing themselves at him (quite literally). Did you base his character on anyone specific or was he someone you created from scratch?
He’s bits and pieces of my version of the perfect man.
Who would be your ideal Kellan Kyle if a movie was made?
Ah, that’s so difficult! He’s so distinct in my head that it is hard for me to picture anyone as him, but I have seen a ton of potentials who would be pretty amazing! I think Devin Paisley is my current favourite. The fans have chosen him for Kellan, and I’d say they made a good choice! It’s all about the attitude though, so I’d have to see Devin in action!
Music was such a massive part of Kellan’s life. What is he currently listening to? (I’m talking as if he’s real... lol Believe it or not, there were moments I felt he really was... lol) Lol!
Well, Kellan is listening to a little bit of everything. He’s currently obsessed with Go Your Own Way by Lissie. It strikes a chord with him, and he likes what she did with the original. And Get Lucky by Daft Punk, because it’s fun and it makes Kiera blush when he sings it to her.
Congratulations on Kellan winning the NA crush tourney. You must have been so thrilled. Did you ever imagine after the last book was released, that Kellan would continue to live in the hearts of so many readers as their ideal book boyfriend?
Thank you! I was thrilled, shocked, and really surprised he won it! I’m continually in awe over the reader’s passion for Kellan. It means so much to me that he’s so well loved.
What was your favourite scene from the series?
It’s a tossup between the rain scene in Thoughtless or the fight in the back room. I just like it when Kellan is angry.
Who is your favourite book boyfriend? (Not including Mr Kyle... sorry x)
Edward Cullen. I’m still not over him, lol.
What’s the last book you read?
I’m currently reading the Game of Thrones series. Amazing!
Thank you so much for answering our questions. Kellan Kyle is one Bad Boy Rock Star that will most definitely live in our hearts forever.
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