Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Review: S.C. Stephens "Untamed (Thoughtless 4)."

Amazon UK:     http://amzn.to/1Qp1Cfc
Amazon.com:    http://amzn.to/20n6qbz


The spotlight doesn't only shine. Sometimes it burns.

Being the bad-boy bassist for the world's hottest band has earned Griffin Hancock some perks: a big house, a fast car, and most importantly his incredible wife, Anna. The one thing it hasn't brought him is the spotlight. Anna tells him to be patient, that his talent will win out. But Griffin is through waiting for permission to shine.

Without warning, Griffin makes a shocking decision and takes the gamble of a lifetime. Suddenly he's caught up in a new level of lights, cameras, and chaos. One that pushes his relationship with Anna to its limits. Anna has always found his unpredictable behavior sexy, but lately he's seen an ache in her eyes--and it has his soul in knots. Just as the recognition Griffin seeks is finally within reach, the thing he loves most in life could be slipping through his fingers..


When life shits on you, sometimes you have to be your own superhero.

Move over Kellan Kyle, I have a new favourite member of the D-Bags! I loved this book so much. As a fan of this series, I already knew that Griffin Hancock was the clown of the band, the one that was always goofing around and never the one to take seriously. He was a character that you either loved or were completely annoyed by him. For me, Griffin was so hilariously funny and even though there were plenty of times when I found myself shaking my head at him because of the things he had said or done, I couldn't help but love him.

I had smarts. Smart, skills and looks. 
I was the whole package-a triple threat of awesomeness. 

Unlike the previous books of the "Thoughtless" series, this was not a romance as such. It instead focused on Griffin's life. How he was truly feeling about being part of the D-Bags and his struggle to find a place in the world that he was happy with. Looking at the band from Griffin's perspective was a real eye-opener and I found myself re-evaluating my feelings for the remaining band members. I felt so sorry for Griffin at times, I know he was always the joker but deep down he wanted his chance to shine rather than be pushed to the back all of the time.

"They're holding me underwater and I'm drowning. 
Something's gotta change. And soon."

As the story continued, I felt even sorrier for Griffin. He couldn't seem to do anything right. Poor Griffin was heading towards disaster and he refused to see the warning signs ahead. I wanted to jump into the story to make him realise that he was going in the wrong direction, however I'm sure he wouldn't have listened. Griffin's ego was often his own worst enemy.

"Now is the perfect time, Kellan. Fans don't want us to stay stagnant
and predictable. They want fresh, they want new, they want
to be knocked off their feet. Frankly...they want me." 

Although this wasn't a romance, I absolutely loved the scenes between Griffin and Anna. Their relationship was so much fun. The couple were so good together and Anna was the perfect girl for Griffin, able to put up with his immaturity and arrogance. They made a great team so when things started to go wrong for the couple, I was heartbroken.

Anna was the fuel to my awesome-train

Griffin's story was hugely entertaining. It made me laugh out loud and for the majority of the book, I had a great big smile on my face. I loved how the story was brought to an end, Griffin truly impressed me with how much he had changed. He had learnt a valuable lesson throughout the story and it was good to see that he was finely beginning to appreciate the good things in his life. I loved catching up with the D-bags and the rest of the gang from this series and It made me a little sad when it was all over. If this was the final book in the series, SC Stephens has given me a fantastic story to end on.

"Mrs. Anna Hancock...you are my best friend, my partner in crime, my
reason for living, and the only thing that really matters to me.
Forever only scratches the surface of how long I'll love you." 

"Untamed" gets   ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️   from me. 

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