Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Blog Tour & Giveaway: MJ Field's "Cyrus (Men of Steel #2)."

The Hopeless Romantics Book Blog are pleased to be a part of the Blog Tour for MJ Field's "Cyrus "Men of Steel # 2)."

Amazon UK:



I know who I am. I’m Cyrus Steel, son, brother, uncle, friend to people I choose to bring into my life. 
I could fuck up anyone I want. 
I know the devastation I can and have caused. 
I can’t change the past, but I have chosen how to live now. 
I like to fuck, and I will do a chick better than she’s ever been done. Hard and wild. No more than three hook ups. No expectations, no one gets hurt. As long as she agrees …it’s on. 
One of my favorite tattoo’s bridges the V, and it says Truth. 
A constant reminder of who I was and who I am now. 

I wasn’t sure I knew how or even if I should tell him there was no one who loved me. Tony was the last person to say those words to me and he hadn’t meant it. He just wanted to use me. 
That’s what this beautiful man underneath me, showed me today. He hadn’t used me, he didn’t even know me. But he thought I was beautiful, and he was nice to me. Tony was wrong about him, and even though I never want to see him again, I wish I could tell him just how wrong he was. 

Can truth be altered? Can truth be seen when walls are built for protection, for self preservation? Will self doubt and years of pain cloud two hearts from finding their truth?

Blog Tour Review: Surj Harvey

Where to begin when writing this review? From the word go, this book had so much going against it. The writing confused me and the characters left me a little baffled. Was I missing something here? Should I have read the first couple of books in the series? Is that where I went wrong? All I kept thinking was... I'm not going to like this! I'm really not going to like this! But holy shit because at some point very early on, I began to love it. I started overlooking all the things that were bugging me because the story was just so brilliant and the characters... well let's just say they had me by the balls. Cyrus and Birdie just had to get their HEA and I wanted to be there to share in that joy and so I read like a woman possessed by the devil.

Why the fuck would I want a relationship that I had to worry about feelings, and dates, 
and hearts, and flower shit so that I could make love to a chick? Fuck the pleasantries! 
New rule for me since then, three times that's it. 

Meet Cyrus ladies. Yup, you got three rides on his train and then your journey was up!!! Lol. Those were the rules he lived by. He wasn't rude or cruel with it, just open, honest and upfront from the beginning. I loved his character. Cyrus was a whole heap of alpha, he was strong, he was fearless and he was loyal to those he loved. Never fuck with his family!!! He had a heart of pure gold and he had a wicked, witty sense of humour that I honestly didn't expect... it was definitely appreciated though. 
What I did discover about this man was that he harboured his own secrets:

The ink embedded on my arm was my story for me,
 a visual reminder of what life was and what life is. I wouldn't tell anyone what hell, 
devastation or pain I had seen or caused. But I could let them see it. 

Cyrus' ink sounded just beautiful from the description given but the story behind the various tattoo's was tragic and heart breaking. His story was one I would have to wait for ... it lurked in the back ground with the main focus being on Birdie. 

Birdie (Tara) lost her parents at the age of five and ended spending her childhood going from one foster home to another. Unfortunately the system spat her out at the age of eighteen and she was left to fend for herself. Her story was just soul destroying. It wasn't pretty, it wasn't hearts and flowers. In fact the only man who ever said he loved her was a low life, scum of the earth bastard who used, abused and manipulated her. The two years she spent with this man were horrific and made for very difficult reading. I could feel the heat rising in my face and I could feel the anger building as I read some of the scenes. They were brutal and harrowing. Some would say it wasn't realistic but I would say, open your eyes. The real world can be a bitch and this (unfortunately) goes on right under people's noses!!! 

Birdie was the type of character I wanted to wrap up in cotton wool. She was just so fragile and so vulnerable. However there was a real inner strength that surfaced now and again and that just made my heart swell. It gave me a sense of pride that she was finally turning things around for herself. It was a gradual change though which made it all the more realistic for her character. 

He pushed me to look at myself differently. He pulled me kicking and screaming out 
of my darkest hours. He comforted me and talked to me through hurt and anger,
and he listened when a bad man wouldn't have.

From the word go, Cyrus was drawn to his little Birdie but I knew the minute he saved her, it would open a whole can of worms on both sides... and how right was I. I loved watching the merry little dance between these two. I could see feelings and desires growing with each turn of the page but I could also sense the internal battle... Cyrus never promised Birdie anything more than what he promised the others but trying to win that fight was getting more and more difficult as each day passed: 

I'll fuck you better than you've ever been fucked before, hard and wild, Birdie. No more than
 three hook ups. Do you understand that? That way no one gets hurt. No expectations. 

The closer these two got, the more they uncovered about each other and Birdie was starting to get a little close to the TRUTH... the real truth. I wanted so desperately for Cyrus to bare his soul... I wanted in on the meaning of those tattoo's but in the same breath, I was worried about the repercussions. What impact would that have on the none relationship between these two? Would it push them apart? 

The secondary characters in "Cyrus" in the form of his family were just amazing. Momma Jo and Carly stole my heart and had me in stitches with their stories. And as for the brothers... there was such camaraderie and so much love between them... this was how I pictured an old school Italian family. 

Overall, the story of "Cyrus" was brilliant. It was well thought out and definitely had me holding my breath a few times. The characters were just brilliant and their development spot on to what I would expect. However, I have to say, the writing itself was at times appalling. There were sentences and paragraphs that went from past tense to present tense where there was no need and the spelling mistakes and grammatical errors were there in abundance. There were also incidences where scenes jumped in terms of time and events, where I was given no warning that this had happened and was left firstly feeling a little confused and then left to work it out on my own!!! My biggest frustration... "she shook her head "yes." You do not shake your head to yes. You nod your head!!!! Arrggghhh!!! Not good when folk are paying for a book. These were simple things that should have been picked up by beta readers or through editing!!!! 

So this is where I struggle. I'm not sure how to rate this book. The story line and characters definitely got a 5 but the writing and the number of errors would only get a two. I was able to overlook some of these bug bears but I'm not sure everyone who paid for the book would. 

I'm going to rate "Cyrus" 4 Hearts. I can't give it any less because I couldn't put the book down but in the same breath I also can't give it anymore which is such a shame. 

Author Bio:

I am a very new self published writer. I will tell you I have always had a very vivid imagination. Starting at age 3 (as it states in my Baby Book).

Sigma was my very first love (imaginary boyfriend). He lived about fifteen miles from my childhood home, (a farm). I took him chicken noodle soup every night on one of our families snowmobiles, (Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring). Apparently he was very ill and "Thank God" I was able to take care of him.

Next was my very first self publishing gig. At eight my cousins and I (and yes I was the president) wrote a newsletter and sold it to our family members.

Years later I decided to put it back into print to entertain my cousin as she was on an aircraft carrier on 9/11 (Kick ass cousin BTW) and very far away from home during a very scary time for our country, (protecting our butts).

Fast forward to 2012. I read 50 shades and thought, I can do that, (meaning writing). I have two complete series The Love Series, and Wrapped. I have two new series Burning Souls and Men of Steel. Ten books in 13 months. CrAzY and wonderful.

I love love! ( I would love to reference Pinks new song here, however I am not sure if that would cause copyright issues.)I also tend to enjoy watching people grow and change with self realization and moments of clarity that just sneak up behind you and smack you in the head. I love people and have always been able to see both sides of a story. Each person that comes into our life leaves us with something it is what we choose to do with it that helps us grow.

I live in central New York in the middle of nowhere and am surrounded by family and friend most the time. I run a small business out of my home and spend time reading and doing the typical Mommy things. Our house is full of pets and friends and noise ninety percent of the time, and I would have it no other way.
I love people,music, laughter, hugs, and books.

Author Links:



Giveaway: First Prize: :     eBook copies of ALL Men of Steel books  & $25 Amazon Gift Card
                   Second Prize:   eBook copies of ALL Men of Steel books & $15 Amazon Gift Card
                   Third Prize:      eBook copies of ALL Men of Steel books & $10 Amazon Gift Car
a Rafflecopter giveaway